Diem Legal’s team of Process Servers in York are ready to collect and serve your documents today.
Our process server fees start at just £119 for process serving in York. We have local agents ready to serve your documents. We will ensure a first attempt at service within 24hours, with two more follow-up visits if and when required. Included in our industry-leading service is an affidavit, or witness statement to prove proof of service to the courts.
If you are struggling to locate the person you wish to serve papers to, we can provide a find and trace service throughout the UK for an affordable fee to ensure the best possible chances of success. We succeed where others fail.
Diem Legal provide an hourly rate Legal Aid process serving service in accordance with Legal Aid rules. Our service is the same high standard as all of our other cases. If you need a process server in York and your case is funded by Legal Aid, please let us know at the earliest opportunity to ensure we handle your request as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We regularly collect and serve documents from York County Court. We can also collect documents from other premises or from you or your client directly. People choose us to serve their documents rather than a court bailiff in York because we work around the clock and know how to get results. We’re tactful, and will often work long into the evening to achieve success. This isn’t a 9-5 industry.
We cover all YO postcodes in York and the surrounds
Other Areas In The UK We Serve:
London, Leeds, Bradford, Manchester, Bristol, Liverpool, Norwich, Stoke-On-Trent, Derby, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Nottingham, Newcastle, York, Cardiff, Sheffield, Croydon, Bromley, Colchester, Southend-on-Sea
+ Every City, Town and Village throughout the UK.
Diemlegal London – Co Registration: 15188186 | ICO Data Protection: ZB607302