Documents We Serve

Non-Molestation/Occupation Orders – £129

First attempt at service will be made within 24hours. Includes two further follow-up attempts (when required). We also serve the local police station and provide (CAD Reference)

Occupation Order

What’s it for? Controlling who lives in a property and restricting a respondent from being present in a certain area.

Bankruptcy Petition

What’s it for? An application to the court for someone’s assets to be taken and sold to cover debts.


What’s it for? An order of the court that freezes money held by a person, organisation or institution.


What’s it for? Ordering a debtor to attend court for questioning.


What’s it for? An order for the debtor’s committal to prison.

Witness Summons

What’s it for? The official calling of a witness to court issued by the prosecution or the defence of a court

Possession Order

What’s it for? Providing a landlord with the right to evict a tenant and take back ownership of their property.

Statutory Demand

What’s it for? Recovering money you are owed from an individual or company.

Non-Molestation Order

When the term non-molestation order is heard many people are confused to its meaning and certainly don’t know how

Winding Up Petition

What’s it for? Forcing an insolvent company into compulsory liquidation. Or to liquidate the company’s assets in order

Divorce Petition

What’s it for? Written by one spouse and served to the other and filed to the courts. The petition will state