Process Server Croydon

Diem Legal process servers cover the whole of Croydon, London and surrounding CR postcode areas.

Our affordable fixed prices make us one of the most affordable process servers in the area. Serving court documents on a daily basis in Croydon enables us to react quickly to your enquiry. The first attempt at service will be made within 24hours, with two more follow-up visits if and when required.

Example Court And Legal Documents We Serve In Croydon

Process Server Croydon

Croydon Process Server

Being one of the most populated boroughs in London means Croydon is a popular area for our process serving services. We have the local knowledge to not only serve court documents correctly, but trace elusive people on your behalf.

We collect documents from any courthouse in Croydon if required. Alternatively, our process agents can also collect documents from other locations, or from your clients directly.

Diem Legal work on behalf of individuals, companies, charities, solicitors, law firms and other organisations based in Croydon, London.

6 easy steps to hiring a Process Server in Croydon

Why use our Serving Service in Croydon: Diem Legal