If you are involved in the legal industry in any way, it is important to keep up to date with current developments, trends and technologies. Staying up-to-date will allow you to develop your business/service in accordance with how the industry is changing. Furthermore, a visit to the most popular legal exhibition/s could provide you with some valuable contacts.
One way in which you can stay up to date and network within the industry is to attend law exhibitions. Throughout 2018, numerous different law exhibitions and conferences are to be held. These events are of huge importance and serve as a platform for promotion for many firms and organisations. Furthermore, they provide a chance to discuss current laws, upcoming issues, and the future of legal services in the UK.
We strongly advise giving these exhibitions consideration as they could prove hugely beneficial! To help, we have created a list of 4 important law events within the UK this year:
Dates – 21/03 – 22/03
Location – Excel Exhibition Centre, London E16
Website – http://www.legalex.co.uk/
Premise – To help develop UK law firms and discuss important industry matters
Legalex is possibly the largest law exhibition in the UK and has been a popular feature for several years. This exhibition includes a timetable of lectures from notable individuals within the legal industry, together with a range of displays from individual companies such as CybSafe, Enlighten IC and Epson. Aside from the lectures and displays, awards are also given to industry specialists such as the Practice Efficiency Award.
Dates – 09/10
Location – The Old Billingsgate, London EC3R
Website – https://londonlawexpo.com/
Premise – Exhibition of legal practice management, IT security and technology
This is one of the largest law expos in Europe and features a fantastic agenda with presentations, stands and lectures. The expo contains 70 different speakers, more than 80 exhibitions and 5 separate presentation stages.
Dates – 03/10 – 04/10
Location – NEC Centre, Birmingham
Website – http://www.lawbiztech.co.uk/
Premise – Exhibition relating to training and technology within the legal industry
If you are looking for additional legal training or advice on your services, LawBizTech will provide a solution! This popular event features several different key speakers who provide lectures on family law, wills drafting, criminal law, and immigration law.
British Legal Technology Forum
Dates – 13/03
Location – The Old Billingsgate, London EC3R
Website – https://britishlegalitforum.com/
Premise – Discuss legal systems, laws and technologies for the upcoming next decade
The British Legal Technology Forum is another exhibition held at the stunning Old Billingsgate building in central London. This conference explores various aspects of legal technology such as artificial intelligence, law firm automation, cybercriminals and cloud computing. Various high-profile organisations will attend including BlackBerry, Britannic Technologies and Microsoft.
As you can see 2018’s calendar is packed full! If you get the chance or have some spare time, we believe you will benefit greatly from attending at least one of these events.
Writer’s Bio: Lewis Murawski is the Marketing Director at Kahootz Media. He has been ranking websites on the first page of Google for more than 10 years. Connect with Lewis on LinkedIn.
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