Why Automotive Industries Need To Consult Legal Professionals In Regards To Traffic Laws

Automotive industries have to abide by a number of regulations in order to remain legal.  Lawyers can help with this process by ensuring that all installations, such as satellite radio systems, are up to code. A lawyer can also ensure that multiple-year warranties are not being abused. One example is the usage of a warranty for over 5 years, which needs to be updated yearly at a minimum. Lawyers can also help by insuring proper fuel-efficiency standards are met, helping companies create their own hybrid models resulting in saving money on gasoline costs. The transportation industry as a whole can benefit from the usage of legal professionals to help abide by traffic laws.


Image Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/09/01/20/23/ford-2705402_960_720.jpg

Managing Warranty Risk For Automotive Suppliers

The automotive industry is one that can be heavily regulated.  A lawyer can ensure that multiple-year warranties are not being abused. One example is the usage of a warranty for over 5 years, which needs to be updated yearly at a minimum. Legal counsel can also help manage warranty risk by adding disclosures to a contract, which inform the customer of all terms and conditions of the warranty. Lawyers can also assist with advising on claims made by customers against a supplier under a warranty.

Preparation For New Technology

The automotive industry is one that is constantly evolving.  Cars have been incorporating satellite radio systems in some models. Legal counsel can help tailor the usage of these systems to make sure they are installed properly and not causing harm.  Lawyers can also help advise on how new technologies such as this should be written into contracts, what type of disclaimers/warnings need to be included and which laws or regulations they may fall under.

Environmental Concerns

There are also a number of environmental concerns that automotive industries now have to deal with. Lawyers can help make sure new fuel-efficiency standards are being met, as well as help companies create their own hybrid models resulting in saving money on gasoline costs. They may also assist by advising what types of disclaimers/warnings need to be included pertaining to environmental concerns.

Safety Concerns

Finally, lawyers can help automotive industries by remaining in line with traffic laws. Car manufacturers may need to develop new safety features in regards to air airbags and seat belts in order to comply with current or upcoming regulations. Reliable car accident lawyers can help when a client has been in a crash and is now seeking compensation from the car manufacturer. Automotive industries must abide by a number of regulations in order to remain legal. 


Image Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/12/03/18/57/car-1880381_960_720.jpg

Putting these legally complicated issues into the hands of lawyers can help you avoid problems and keep your company safe from liability. Your lawyer can provide expert advice on what types of disclaimers, warnings, and disclosures need to be included in legal documents such as contracts, warranties, etc. Legal professionals may also be able to assist with claims made by customers against a supplier and provide advice on how to create and implement new technologies. Hopefully, this article was helpful to you!
