Five Ways A Process Server Will Hunt You Down

The documents delivered by process servers are always of vital importance and are often time-sensitive.

This means that getting the paperwork to the right person in a timely matter is vital, which is easier than is sounds in some cases.

While government and tax records may help us to establish an address for the target in the first instance, it’s not foolproof. If they’ve recently moved, or are otherwise trying to avoid a visit from a process agent, making contact may prove a difficult task.

To help track down these particularly elusive targets, process servers such as Wax Jacket utilise a variety of tricks and strategies to stay one step ahead.

Finding Someone On Social Media

There was once a time when letters, phone calls, and face-to-face meetings were the only ways that we let people know where we were and where we were going. But the widespread use of the internet, and especially social media, has changed that. Whether you are posting a picture with friends at a local restaurant, tweeting about your new job, or updating your Facebook information to include your new address, social media has become a live-feed of our everyday lives.

This makes it an excellent tool for use by process servers looking to track down targets. Either, those who haven’t been answering the door; or for those that they cannot find a current address.


Process Server / Surveillance

If you thought that stake-outs only occurred on television and in films, think again. If a process server has a known address for a target, but the target fails to answer when they go to the door, the process agent may then wait for the target to return home. While binoculars and radios are unlikely tools in these real-life stake-outs, the process server will try to remain discreet, to avoid tipping off the target of their presence and allowing them to do a disappearing act.


Avoiding A Process Server

Targets looking to avoid receiving some dreaded paperwork may choose not to answer the door if it is very obvious that a process server is knocking on it. To help them appear less conspicuous, a server may dress in plain civilian clothing, in the hope that the target will believe that they are a delivery person or a neighbour.


Can A Process Server Visit You At Work?

Another tried and trusted method of process servers looking to contact elusive targets, is to visit a person’s place of employment. They can then serve the paperwork and message you personally. In some cases they may legally deliver the message to a responsible adult or coworker.


Private Detective

Like a detective looking for answers, agents may attempt to establish that a target does in fact live at a specific address by talking to neighbours. If the questions are too direct, however, the server may risk neighbours telling the target that someone is asking around for them. But if social media and stake-outs aren’t enough to prove that a person lives at a specific address, this method can help avoid a lot of wasted time.

Writer’s Bio: Lewis Murawski is a Director of Kahootz Media. He has been ranking websites on the first page of Google for more than 10 years. Connect with Lewis on LinkedIn.

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